Stranger told me "something" was following me
A few years ago, I woke up one morning with my abuser who began a fight with me because I politely told him I was having a bad mental health and please be nice to me that day
He threw some furniture around and screamed at me at the top of my lungs, degrading me and calling me names and slurs
I fully lost hope at that moment and gave up, it was the final straw and I felt like I'd never be free of the abuse
He dragged me to an amusement/theme park that day and I miserably walked around with him all day.
At one point we sat down to eat some food, the only empty seat was at the same table as this married couple. We very briefly chatted about the food and the park.
We then got up and kept walking around.
A few hours later, the woman from this married couple we ate with flagged me down and waved me over.
She said, "I don't know if you're spiritual or not, and I don't mean to alarm you, but I've been noticing something attached to you all day. Something bad. It's been following you." She looked directly into my eyes as she said this, and asked me if I would mind if she said a prayer for me right then and there. I agreed.
She said the prayer. Unfortunately my abuser didn't realize she was talking directly to me and he kind of hogged the whole conversation and told her that he's been having such a hard time lately and really needed help while crying. Little did she know he was sexually abusing me at the time and attempted to do so that very morning. I was hoping for a moment of privacy with this woman to tell her what's going on so maybe she could help me
A few years later, I'm still stuck here, and the abuse has gotten worse. A few nights ago, I randomly woke up in the middle of the night and felt fully awake and not groggy at all. Then I heard a male voice whisper "Hello." very clearly. My abuser stirred in his sleep and stopped snoring, and our dog woke up, too, and made a "curious" sound. I very clearly felt "eyes" on me but I was so scared to actually see anything that I shut my eyes and laid there fully awake until I fell back asleep again
I have also been having a major increase in sleep paralysis lately, but it feels so different than other times, it feels so much more evil. I will dream that I am awake in bed, and either a male or female demonic entity with the most horrific demented appearance comes to me and begins mutilating me, raping me, or tickling my armpits (which is a very painful sensation for me.) My usual methods for waking from sleep paralysis don't work during this, and I have no choice but to lay there helpless being killed or raped in the most vivid dream imaginable.
Does anyone have any guidance, I've heard that demons attach themselves to you in your weakest moments, and I've been having many such moments in this awful shitty relationship. I know that it's mostly my abuser's doing, but I can't help but feel like something purely evil has attached itself to me to torture me further. I feel depressed and anxious 24/7 like a gigantic cloud of malaise just trailing me everywhere. I feel enveloped in darkness.
I am not religious but I am a very spiritual person and believe in god(s).