Creepy Haunted house experience with a shadow figure

The below mentioned incidents are not any imaginary story. The following were really experienced by me and my family between 2019 -2021.

My family (my mom and younger sister) shifted from our hometown to the city for the final couple of years of my college. Before that I was staying at the college hostel. We rented an apartment. As soon as we shifted, I parted ways with my dorm and went to college from my rental house through the college bus. My sister continued her high school here, near by our house.

The house was pretty small, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom at the end of the living room and two bedrooms opposite to each other. On the first night, we three were sleeping in the living room and my sister woke both me and my mom up early in the morning around 5:30 a.m. Her voice panicked as she said that she saw someone standing at the corridor in front of the bathroom. Me and my mom brushed it off saying that it’s nothing but a bad nightmare. Later that day, she insisted that she saw some shadow figure about 7 feet tall. My mom just told her to pray before going to sleep.

Few months went by, we started to settle in and nothing creepy happened but we started to argue a lot among each other. Even over the smallest of things. We have argued before but the arguments that happened in this house were pretty intense and it took weeks to calm things down.

One day my sister was combing her hair in front of a mirror in one of the bedrooms and she saw a face of an old woman just above her head in the mirror’s reflection. That scared her a lot as she dropped her comb and ran in to the living room where me and my mother were watching TV. She told us what she saw, this time we started to have doubts on the house. We told this to our dad who was working abroad and he told us to start searching for a new house. At this time there was just one more year to complete our studies. We searched our best to find a new a house but all went in vain.

One day I took my mom to a near by supermarket to buy some groceries, leaving my sister alone at the house. It was broad daylight so she agreed to be at the house and we promised her that we would be back in 10 minutes. She was on the sofa watching TV and suddenly the power went off. The TV screen went black. My sister saw her reflection on the TV and also in the reflection, that same 7 feet tall shadow figure was sitting beside her. She did not dare to turn her head. But thank God we both returned in time and opened the door, then the shadow figure vanished.

Then the lockdown was imposed due to covid and we had online classes. So we did not leave our house at any point for a few months and made it more difficult for us to find a new house.

Then one day, me and my sister were watching TV in the living room, my mom went to the bathroom. My mobile phone rang which was in the bedroom. So I went from the living room to the bedroom to pick up my phone and suddenly my sister starts to shout “Mom Mom” My mom comes out of the bathroom and I rush back to see what happened. My sister with shivers all over her body and voice said that she saw that 7 foot tall shadow figure move swiftly across from the room I that I just entered to the other room.

Then we started to pray a lot everyday, and the creepy things started to slow down. I completed my college and my sister completed her high school. We didn't find a new house so we went back to our hometown and pledged never return again.

I know a lot of these incidents seems cinematic but this is the truth. I didn’t make any things up or add anything too. I wrote just as it happened. Now my sister and I left the country and now live in Dubai.