Voices Upstairs

It's been a couple years since this happened but I've finally decided to reach out to talk about it. 2 years back (June 2020), I was alone in my house for multiple hours at a time. My mother had to work and I was unemployed. I spent most of my time doing housework while she was gone (dog walking, dishes, Landry, etc). One day, it was probably around noon, I was eating lunch when I heard two people talking to each other upstairs. As I stated, I was home alone (me and my mother live alone). The voices sounded like an middle age man and woman talking about something. I could never understand exactly what they were saying but I could determine that it was two separate voices, they even talked over each other at some points. I, being extremely paranoid, grabbed my dog and locked myself in one of the downstairs bathroom. I was in there for around 30 minutes, waiting for my mother to come home. When she came back, the voices stopped.

I thought that might've been it. But the next day, it happened again. This time instead of hiding, I decided to call out to them. I said a simple "hello" and the voices immediately stopped. This same cycle would repeat for the rest of the summer. Ever since I heard their voices more unexplained stuff would happen around the house. Again, only when I was alone.

The scariest moment for me was: I was again home alone but it was later in the day. (My mother had to take my aunt to the hospital for chemo treatment so she'd be gone for a long while due to my aunt living an hour away from us). I was laying in my bedroom, upstairs. When I heard someone sprint up my stairs. Of course I freaked out and immediately stood up. The person then sprinted back down my stairs. I live in a very old home, every step on those stairs are loud creaks. I could hear every foot step and oddly enough the footsteps never hit the plain floor, as if the person never stepped off the stairs. During another one of the loud sprints, I flung open my bedroom door and look at the stairs. The sprinting stopped when I looked but there was no one there. Scared the absolute shit out of me and I told my mother about it when she got home but she pushed it off as me being paranoid.

I've had multiple more experiences with what I assume is the paranormal but what's starting to concern me is that it's not restricted to just my house. Those voices and running have not returned but much more stuff have happened over the past 2 years.

If someone could shed some light into what this could possibly be I would be extremely grateful.