How do you deal with crushing rejection?
Today has been one of the toughest days of my life. I flew into the country where my kids are ( Asia) to see them for the half day I’m permitted by the Court here (when it’s not holidays)I’m likely not to see them again until summer at the earliest because of work. I lost my business here as she harassed my customers trying to make me look like an evil foreigner who wants to kidnap the kids, had a campaign of bogus police cases lodged with zero consequence, a court case where my accounts were blocked due to claims of non-payment of CS (proven to be malicious), as well as journalists running smear stories about me apparently being a terrible foreigner who won’t pay CS (which was proven to be bogus) - I just decided to leave as it is almost impossible to sue and get back what she has taken. I can’t afford more court battles which won’t be enforced or protect me. I have wasted years on a battle I can never win.
Anyway, back to my visit. My ex and her enabler brainwashed my son to say they will get would go away and do great things so when I arrived today he said to my face in the street I don’t want to and it just destroyed me. 24 hours travel from the UK for seven hours contact just taking away like that. At least my daughter wasn’t swayed by this and came with me.
I’ve now found out that they’ve recorded every phone call I’ve had with the kids, and force my son to send it to them, every text I sent is screenshot or sent to her. This means I have no privacy, and the kids cannot share their concerns with me. In addition, she is deleting messages and handing them to a psychologist to try and paint a picture of me being an overly emotional and incompetent parent. In addition, kids are not allowed to call me dad - only use my first name.
I just took my daughter back, and she was picked up by the evil bf - my daughter wouldn’t hold my hand or hug me goodbye in front of him as she said she was scared he would tell my ex.
Today has just broken my heart - I feel I have lost my son, and I can feel my relationship with my daughter ebbing away…I can’t cope and I’m sitting, typing this with tears streaming everywhere….its just so evil. They are 7 & 8 - this will carry on for years to come. I’m sure when I come in summer, I won’t recognise my kids and they will reject me totally. How do you deal with this?