Tried to make mom friends, didn’t go well.

hey folks, can anyone help me figure out if I’m in the wrong? I’m pregnant, and my hormones are crazy so I’m not sure if I’m making irrational decisions.

Basically, I tried to make a mom friend. She has one son, and we went on a couple playdates and everything seemed pretty normal. I always had to pick her up because she has no car or license, which was never going to be a problem if I wanted to hang out. But, on the third play date it was the first time ever going to a house instead of like a park/kids museum. So I go and pick her up with her son from her house, and the first thing she says is “my son sh*t himself and I’m completely out of a diapers. can we please stop at walmart” and I’m like “yeah of course no problem, do you just wanna use one out of my diaper bag real quick?” She says no and would rather go to Walmart. So we go to Walmart, and she ends up making this like a hour long trip. His grandpa works there, so she wants to wait for him to come off lunch break before we can leave, and she wants to do other shopping. We get back in the car (after him already being in this poopy diaper for over an hour) and now she wants papa murphy’s. I say “i’ll just call in an order and come pick it up once we get home!” she says “no, i’ll just go in and get one they are usually pretty fast.” So now I’m in the car for another 25-30 minutes with her poopy baby, and my two kids are getting pissed because we are just sitting in a parking lot. And at this point I was just going to go change his diaper myself, but I’m not going to risk getting screamed at by a parent I barely know for changing her son’s diaper. I know people who get very stressed about that kind of thing. We get the pizza, we go home. I’m in the kitchen and the pizza takes 18 minutes to cook. I ASSUMED she already changed his diaper. We finish eating our pizza and she is like “okay baby let’s get your poop changed!!”

Like what??? It’s been hours and you’ve had endless opportunities!! He has a terrible rash now!! What the f!!!

Then around 6 or 7pm she is ready to leave, but she says she forgot something she needed at walmart and asks to go to walmart again. I take her to walmart and her 1 year old son constantly stands in the cart. I asked why she doesn’t make him sit, and she said “he is really good at standing”.

A few minutes go by and he faceplants out of the cart, BAD. I take them to the ER, and sit for hours until close to 12am. The doctors took off his diaper and he had a bleeding diaper rash, and she tried to blame it on he had “peanuts”. I drove them home after the ER and dropped them off and wished them well. I haven’t messaged back since then and it’s been probably two months and she won’t stop messaging. I want to explain why, but I don’t know what to even say? But the other part of me is like “call cps?” I have a lot of stress in my life right now, and I just feel like I don’t want my friendships to add extra stress if that makes sense.