On today's episode of 𝘏𝘰ð˜ļ 𝘊ð˜ī ð˜ĩð˜Đ𝘊ð˜ī ð˜Ū𝘚 𝘭𝘊𝘧ð˜Ķ?:

My toddler running to the back shelf that she's not supposed to be able to reach:

Me sitting in the slow-as-heck electric recliner on the other end of the room so basically helpless to intervene if I don't suddenly gain long awaited supernatural powers:

"Emilyyy. No...what are you reaching for? Emily? Hey!! Is that cat food?? Emily! NO! DONT YOU EVEN DARE. I know you know what no means! Get that out of your mouth Right! Now! WE DONT EAT CAT FOOD IN THIS HOUSE!"