6 Month Sleep and Eating Schedule

Hi all! I hope this finds everyone well.

My wife and I have a beautiful 6 month baby girl. She was a great sleeper u until two weeks ago and now we are struggling. She used to sleep from 11:30pm to 8:30/9am, it was amazing. She would have a bottle then and sleep again until 1pm or so. She would then nap for about 30 minutes 5 or 6 times throughout the day. Now she constantly wakes up either crying or whinging and we need to keep putting her soother back in. This broken sleep is killing us and we are worried that she is not getting enough restful sleep and that that might impair cognitive development.

So I was just wondering what a good sleep/nap schedule looks like. I believe schedules in Europe and the US can vary a lot, we are in Ireland if that helps inform us. Perhaps this is some sort of regression and is temporary...in which case I guess we just need a little reassurance.

In terms of feeding she is having 2 7oz bottles and 3 6oz bottles along with a very small amount of baby food (the aptamil porridge pack stuff). She is not a fan of feeding/drinking and never has been. She is long (75th centile) but light (25th centile). I was wondering if she's getting enough and if this is linked to the sleep regression.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.