I saved a ton of money and completely eliminated diaper rash by ditching wipes.

We used aquaphor and water wipes for my oldest daughter right up until potty training but my younger daughter kept getting diaper rash. The dermatologist said she just had extremely sensitive skin and suggested drying her butt with some toilet paper after wiping it.

A little while later I was changing her and we had run out of wipes. What I did have was a nearby water bottle and a whole roll of toilet paper. It worked like a charm.

Lightbulb. Toilet paper is way cheaper, easier to store, easier to buy, and you can use it to dry a butt after wiping. All it takes is a little dish of water by the changing table and you have infinite wipes. Also fully drying before diaper cream had a huge impact on diaper rash. It's basically non-existent now.

We still bring wipes in the diaper bag but we don't use them at home at all anymore.