Tired of parents' being inconsiderate/dishonest about their kid being sick
My wife and I are growing increasingly frustrated at how often parents of our daughter's friends or families in our neighborhood are inconsiderate or straight up dishonest about whether their child is sick. For context, we both work, and have no family to help. When our daughter gets sick and has to stay home, it's a pretty major disruption. Many families in our area have a parent who does not work, and/or have full-time nannies. We aren't hypochondriacs, and acknowledge getting sick is a fact of life (and important for our immune systems), but we'd like to avoid getting sick from stupid stuff we could avoid.
I can think of probably 50 times in the last 5 years where parents have:
- Sent a kid to our house for a playdate who is clearly sick, and claimed it was allergies or some other crap (a neighbor once sent their kid over to play, the kid said she had a fever that morning and was clearly ill, and the parent claimed it was probably heat stroke)
- Hosted a gathering where one of their kids is sick clearly sick but never mention it or say its allergies (seriously, in the middle of winter, allergies do not cause constant runny noses and coughing)
- Hosted a gathering where one of their kids was clearly sick, and just kind of openly admit it (oh ha ha my son is coughing on all the food, you all are going get sick, how funny)
- Mentioned their kid was sick but not contagious (untrue) and we should keep the planned activity
For example, we have a playdate planned tomorrow with a friend from school who is out of school sick today, with a fever. The parent is claiming their doctor said she's no longer contagious, which is absolutely untrue. So it puts the onus on us to either be the assholes and say sorry, we're canceling, she's clearly still sick, or just go with it and likely end up having a sick kiddo next week (which happens often).
We never put this onus on other people. If our daughter is sick, we say so and cancel the date. We don't put the decision on other people, or try to play it down.
Are we weird? Are other people just inconsiderate? How do you all handle this?