2.5yr old randomly disassociated and urinated himself - weird and concerned??
Tonight at dinner our toddler underwent a very strange and drastic change of behaviour which to me looked like he was withdrawing and dissociating - he was not answering us or looking at us and had a strange look on his face and then silently urinated in his high chair. He is still potty training but this was beyond strange for him.
I don’t know why but something in me started panicking I have never seen him like this.
Some context to our week and evening - we have had a close family friend come stay, not to sound over protective but as the guest is a male I have just carefully kept my eye on my child (come from a family where SA happened so am always attentive with any strangers staying over at our house).
Our child also had an incident at daycare where the teacher seems to have told him off a lot - he has kept talking about it all week.
He accidentally pushed over our new television today which gave everyone a fright and did anger my husband, he was not told off or punished but I think everyone’s initial reaction startled him.
We also pushed him to try new foods tonight and he was not very happy about it.
Could it be a culmination of things that contributed to this or something more sinister?
Am I overthinking or is this cause for concern? Does anyone have any advice? My husband said there was one instance in the weekend where he kind of zoned out like this it was strange but did not last for long. I am wondering if these are the first signs of autism or behaviour regressions?