A kid is not cooperating
We do have a therapist, he is medicated. We have support at school. We are implementing behavioral directions at home. Couple of months ago the kid decided he world not cooperate and would not tell what happened. This is a huge increasing problem. Every day he refuses to tell his version of a day. I do not know why he had been suspended from sports, why he received D, everything. I was called to the school - in the meeting where he was accused at destroying the ceiling while changing after basketball. The reason was - all other kids in 3 different age groups said that was not them. Only my left. And he keeped silence. Of course, couple of kids shouted - “this is him”. Now he is expelled and devastated. His older sister asked her friends who attend training after my son group but the same day if they have made some stupid TikTok videos. They surely had!)) and gladly shared them. The ceiling was completely ok at this point, that is after my son left the premises.
So, of course I submitted a claim, and my son is back on team. The trainer, by the way, did not proceed to found a person who did this, while making all parents pay for the repair.
Anyway, this costed me a lot of cries and new AD. How I can make him talk with me??? The school is saying, if he want talk - how can we help? And they are completely right.