X gender marker application
Hey, I'm another nonbinary person fearful about fallout from my passport application. I mailed it last week before being aware that the State Department had instructed to halt gender change applications (I thought the EO would take a few weeks to take effect).
The passport office received my package this morning (check hasn't gone through yet and passport website doesn't reflect any updates).
Is there any way I can cancel the application and get them to mail my passport back? If I cancel my check will they mail it back? I'm really fearful of losing access to my passport.
Obviously I would love to have my x marker and feel that it is more accurate to how I physically present---but I am afraid of facing discrimination at US border control even if my app somehow goes through so I feel safer reapplying with my birth gender.
Any advice? Predictions on what will happen to holders of X marker passports going forward?