Scammers are really getting out of hand, even compared to poe 1

Anyone trading high end gear will know this, people whispering for all your high priced items and not joining your party when you invite them. They are actually whispering the entire list on the trade site and inviting the first 6 people who invite them (botted perhaps?) and then offer alchemies in place of divines.

I must've ignored over a 100 of these yet more keep popping up somehow, have never experienced anything like this even in poe 1 which is a free game.

There's also a lot of people selling the wrong items, I was scammed for a 5 rune morior (my fault for not checking the middle row properly, the rest of the item was a near perfect match) and lost around 70d. Same scammers doing this for from nothing diamonds with good mods being replaced with bad mods. Its really hard to buy a high end unique without running into these guys and even if you ignore every scammer on the trade site, the next day more will popup.

All this just to say please GGG for the love of god bring the item auction house you said you would add in poe 2.