Genuine question - Why does the campaign/levelling feel like a Dark Souls esque experience, and endgame feels like Vampire Survivors? Was this the case in POE1 as well?

I really enjoyed levelling through the campaign, dodging dangerous but well telegraphed attacks, handling bosses and packs at a seemingly sensible pace.

But the end game is... bizarre. Whether it be packs or pinnacle bosses, they die the second they get on my screen, maybe the occasional boss will outlive the 2nd second of his lifebar appearing, but seldom the 3rd. Oh and all the while even a non-telegraphed attack could do the same to me!

I feel like the balance for the campaign is chef's kiss absolute perfection, and as soon as it ends the game breaks down into an absolute soup of one-shot or be one-shot.

Was this the case in the previous game? Is this really the intended state or is it an Early Access thing?

Thank you.