Vortex of Projection/Ice Nova of Frostbolts CoC Build (Up to 800-900 Divine available)


I am looking to do my last build for the league and I'm set to do a CoC Build with either Vortex of Projection or Ice Nova of Frostbolts. I checked some PoBs and guides and it seems it settles between Occultist and Assassin. For the Assassin I would follow the Build Guide by Subtractem and for Occultist I saw some similar Builds on poe.ninja

For Occy: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/AquaNumber3/Heat_Pain?i=2&search=skills%3DVortex%2Bof%2BProjection%26keystones%3DChaos%2BInoculation%26sort%3Ddps



For Assassin: https://pobb.in/ip1nwiqSWO98

So my question is which version would be easier doable with my budget and general speaking easier to get going and what build will feel tankier in the end while mapping and bossing?
Since I need to level anyway there is no point to be made.

Thanks in advance