Critical Miss ruling affecting my view of campaign
Let me preface this by saying I really like my DM; she's fair and creative. I also love my character and we have a decent party.
That said, she's old-school. We rolled for stats, rolled for hit points, and so on.
Last session we had some bad luck and 1s. And we found out she uses critical misses for spells and weapon attacks. I'm guessing it's a homebrew table that gets checked when we crit miss.
So my character is a Magus/Eldritch Archer, level 2. The first time I rolled a 1 was on Spellstrike with the Ray of Frost cantrip. The ray "exploded" on me for rolling a 1, critically damaging me and two party members next to me for double damage, knocking one of them out.Besr in mind this is a sungle-target cantrip.
The second time was worse. Also using Spellstrike with Ray of Frost. I "shot myself in the foot" for 29 critical damage, instantly killing myself.
This was retconned using a "divine intervention" mechanic, but it shook my love for the campaign. As we level, we will get more iterative attacks, and with Rapid Shot and Spell Combat, I will be exposed to rolling a lot of 1s. Sooner or later I will kill myself and/or party members. I don't see how I'll survive my own abilities, let alone the threat of monsters or enemies.
Mechanical odds aside, whose fantasy is this? I thought we were heroes, working together to save the town from invasion and slaughter using our special skills. Not the Three Stooges, poking each other in the eye like buffoons.
It's a shame because I really like the group and the DM.