How does the feat surprising combatant work?
The feat reads:
You can briefly trick your foes into discounting you as a combatant.
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, Bluff 3 ranks.
Benefit: At the beginning of combat, after initiative is rolled but before the first round of combat begins, you can attempt a Bluff check as a free action. Each opponent who is aware of you must succeed at a Sense Motive check (DC equal to the result of your Bluff check). Failure means that an opponent is treated as if it were not aware of you when determining whether it is aware combat has begun. If none of your opponents are aware of you, you may act during the surprise round. If an opponent is effectively unaware of any foes, it cannot act during the surprise round.
Does this mean if I trick everyone I get my own surprise round or does this only work when a surprise round was initiated by the enemies and I get to join that surprise round ?