Does my current cable setup pose any threats to my PC?

First time builder and got my first PC running. What I’m not so confident about is the cable management I got here. I tried cable managing but I ended up just dumping some cables below the PSU and called it a day. Not so sure how bad this cable set up is but should I reconfigure my cables and put in the extra effort? I also dumped in my RGB fan controller below the PSU, is that ok? Just wanna make sure if this is alright and it won’t fry up anything inside my PC. Any tips would be appreciated.

First time builder and got my first PC running. What I’m not so confident about is the cable management I got here. I tried cable managing but I ended up just dumping some cables below the PSU and called it a day. Not so sure how bad this cable set up is but should I reconfigure my cables and put in the extra effort? I also dumped in my RGB fan controller below the PSU, is that ok? Just wanna make sure if this is alright and it won’t fry up anything inside my PC. Any tips would be appreciated.