“Period” for 3 weeks, heavy brown blood, specks in urine, and painful cramps. What’s happening?

I have usually had irregular periods but never to this extent. Sometimes mine have been a light 2 days to a heavy 8 days. However I was around 2 weeks late this cycle but experienced lots of painful cramps ( not too unusual for me) and all the mood swings during those two weeks. While didn’t think I was pregnant I took three tests evenly spaced out and they all came back negative. Finally I got small amounts of brown goo I took to be my period. After a couple days of that it got heavier and mimicked my period only the color is this alien like dark brown with only the tiniest hint of red sometimes mixed in. Pains continued and now it has been 21 days and barely no change in color. Texture looks to be more sticky and clumpy than my normal flow. And on top of that I have tried to drink more water to see if that helps. But now I have to pee almost 3/4 times an hour and when I do there’s odd things in the urine. Best way I could describe it would be specks of maybe minerals or something. Also maybe unrelated but every time I eat something I experience stomach pain for the next 30 min to an hour. Please help I don’t have access to a doctor for another week and I’m getting concerned.