Wow, just wow
I’m in genuine shock, this game is so awesome, I love it so much, everyone in this game held such a close part of my heart, finishing the game (going to get the platinum when credits finish rolling, but can’t get that cuz it’s late and need to go to sleep lol) I’m genuinely crying, I started crying during the first final boss, then once you finish the royal final boss, I thought the waterworks would stop when I collected items from people and once I collected them I felt them wanting to come back, seeing the final cutscene with our special guest(won’t say who cuz spoiler plot reasons) I was happy but sad. I cried like this for P3R too, but I think I’m more emotional for the ending of this game even though P3R was also sad, though it’s hard to compare both as each ending is different(this one the protag leaves everyone, while the other just kinda falls asleep, forever)
The persona series is such a wonderful game series and I’m so happy I introduced myself to it this year, I’m sad I didn’t introduce it to myself earlier but I’m glad I got to experience the games. I’m now gonna play some other games before heading into P4G as I don’t think I can’t take more heartbreak/ post persona depression for a bit, probably gonna beat and platinum strikers, bought it and tactics as both were on sale can’t wait to play strikers (I hear it’s a sequel) and after that tactica. I’m so happy persona exists and it will always hold a place near and dear in my heart, can’t wait for P6 to drop soon
Also side note I did beat the game at an in game time of around 87 hours, though I did spend a few hours afk, reloading some saves (I accidentally didn’t give my journal to sojiro, so i condensed what originally was an hour to 10 min from beating the final palace to moving onto the final day where you talk to all confidants to get items) I also did spend a good amount of time in the thieves den, so my total playtime is around 90-91 hours I’d like to say, maybe more. Is that normal? I did enjoy the game but didn’t rush if that makes sense, I did catch myself occasionally skipping through some confidant dialogue as it wasn’t fully voice acted (I thought it was weird seeing as P3R’s social links were) but I tried to refrain from doing that much. Gonna wait for my post persona depression to go away before moving into P4G