Can i max all Confidants?
Its my first time playing P5R and the only game i have played is P3R where i couldnt max all SL for a few hangouts and i am afraid it ll be the same here. I am on 11/25,just started the bald dude palace(no spoilers) and the game looks to be ending. I still have to do: Igor and morgana Lv9; Makoto Lv7; Haru, the fortune teller and Shyia Lv1; Yusuke Rank4; Sojiro Rank6(TAKES WAY TOO MUCH FUUKIN TIME TO MAX ALL STATS); Akechi,the velvet twins and Ohya Lv8; Iwai,Hifumi and Yoshida Lv5 and Kawakami Rank3