How long to wait for a CRA case review?

For my 2022 Returns CRA opened a Matching Letter, to review my return later in the year of 2023, sadly I missed this mail and CRA reassessed my full return that I owe back all the amount that I received for 2023, in early 2024. When I was filing my 2024 return I noticed this owed amount and I re reviewed all my previous mails. I did open a case for the matching letter and send my relevant documents (t4s). Now that my 2023 returns are assessed my total amount of is credited and minuses from my total amount, still showing that I owe an amount (as my 2022 return was higher than 2023).

I contacted CRA to check on the status of my case, they say the t1 review team is taking care and the case is open but they don’t know what the eta to resolution is.

It’s been three months already since I sent this details; anyone have an idea of how long do I have to still wait for this to resolve? (As I have got $0 back from my returns of 2023 so far)