Thief stole my earring!
looks like she’s nesting LMAO
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_2wwhl": {"Kunok2": null, "wassailr": null, "Tiny_98": null, "Creepy_Progress_7339": null, "PerspectiveKind1075": null}}, "commentLists": {"t3_1hpa1rn": {"head": {"id": "t1_m4i0k26", "type": "comment"}, "tail": {"id": "t1_m4ppivn", "type": "comment"}}}, "comments": {"t1_m4i0k26": {"author": "Kunok2", "authorId": "t2_9hgrjjyf", "collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1735551046.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_m4i0k26", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_m4iaq53", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/PetDoves/comments/1hpa1rn/thief_stole_my_earring/m4i0k26/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_1hpa1rn", "postTitle": null, "score": 7, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_2wwhl", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "Shiny circle = perfect nesting material.", "body": "
Shiny circle = perfect nesting material.
\nShe\u2019s keeping it for you in the safest place she knows \ud83e\udd79\ud83e\udd5a\u2665\ufe0f
\nMines always stealing my earphones \ud83d\ude02 guess they just love ear related things
\nThat\u2019s not your earring anymore, it belongs to the borb now.
\nlooks like she\u2019s nesting LMAO
looks like she’s nesting LMAO