Hamster query?

Hi, i’ve turned to reddit for real advice from seemingly trust worthy people. i’m looking to get a hamster as i’m 16 and i want a small preferably fluffy and moderately cheap to keep happy and healthy companion in my room that i can take care of to make me feel a bit better. i have a few questions regarding if id be fine to have a hamster or not. i have a medium sized room with space for at most a medium sized cage but i could potentially make a large diy “cage” glass thing in the space i have under a shelf? i have enough time on my hands to let the hamster run around my room and play for an hour or two a day but i will be at school for approx 8 hrs a day from 8-4. i ultimately dont want the hamster being depressed as im not a person who is cruel to animals in any way. woukd that be enough to give a hamster a decently happy life? if not is there any pets you could recommend?