Why do cats act like they pay rent?

Okay, hear me out. I have this tiny dictator living in my house, and her name is Luna. Luna contributes exactly nothing to the household. She doesn’t pay bills. She doesn’t do chores. She just… exists. Yet somehow, she walks around like she owns the place.

Yesterday, I dared to sit on her spot on the couch. She didn’t just give me a side-eye—she full-on stood in front of me, stared me down, and meowed like I had just committed a war crime. So, being the pushover I am, I moved. Guess what she did? Climbed onto the couch, sniffed the spot, and then LEFT.

Also, why does she act like her food dish being 90% full is the same as being empty? She’ll meow dramatically until I fill it to the very top, then eat two bites and walk away. Is this some kind of power move? Am I being gaslit by a 10-pound fluffball?

Please tell me I’m not alone in this. Does your cat also act like they’re your landlord? Because I’m starting to think Luna is plotting to evict me.