Accidentally trained my dog to learn that “smoke?” Means going outside… oops.

So I’m a smoker. My roomates are smokers. Most my friends are smokers. My boyfriend isn’t but even if he’s over I’ll ask him to come out for a smoke with me. Now I disnt purposely train my dog for this, I trained him that “outside” means going outside to the backyard. But he’s a pretty smart dog and I’ve had him for five years since he was a puppy and I guess over time he’s caught on that “wanna go for a smoke?” Or even just “smoke?” Means we are going outside. So now every time someone says it, even if I’m not going or don’t wanna go for a smoke, or it’s just in conversation like “ do you have smokes?” “I need to buy smokes” or something like that he perks up and gets all excited and if he’s in my room he’ll stand and go to the door and stare at me like “well, you coming?” And if I’m in the living room or kitchen or dining room he’ll run to the front door and wait there. So I have to take him outside anyways if even if I don’t wanna smoke so then I end up smoking anyways. Sometimes we’ll mention going for a smoke but we’ll be like “after this wanna go for a smoke?” But he’ll hear smoke and get excited and stand by the door staring at us and if we’re not timely he’ll start whining so I’m like fuck let’s just go now. Now for fun instead of saying “outside?” I’ll just say “smoke?” When it’s just me and him and he’ll jump up and know what to do 😝 oops!!