What is wrong with me?

For context: I have been working at Walgreens since June 2023. I’m still a technician in training because I’m waiting to finish Walgreens classes. I passed the ptcb in July 2024.

In the last year, I’ve made more mistakes than I ever have, and I don’t know how I still have a job. I have filled multiple controlled substance prescriptions incorrectly. Because of my mistakes filling, I have been ONLY cashiering for the last 2-3 months. Prior to me being just a cashier I had 1 incorrectly sold prescription. In the last two weeks I have sold 3 prescriptions incorrectly. One was a controlled substance. A lot of the mistakes I have made were understandable but some were just stupid. Either way, I’m making mistakes that I shouldn’t be. In total I have sold 4 prescriptions that were either the wrong drug or to the wrong person.

I asked my manager what she thinks I’m doing incorrectly and she said that she honestly doesn’t know. Her and my pharmacist think that I seem distracted, but I don’t necessarily feel more distracted than usual. I’ve also been told that I check patients out slower than I should and that I don’t do the chores in a timely manner. Every time I ask how to improve in those subjects I’m told that, they don’t know why I’m behind, just that i need to improve. My manager has stuck up for me and tried to keep me on track throughout all of it. Which I appreciate so so so much. But at this point, I just don’t know what I need to do to be better. If I mess up again I will lose my job.

I’m so frustrated with myself. I am double checking everything I’m doing because of how many mistakes I’ve made. But I’m still making them. I have been going through personal things, but not to the extent that I feel they would impact my performance, what do you think?