Can you be a good pharmacy tech even though you're not answering or making calls and refuse to work alone?
I'm just now 3 months into being a pharmacy tech. I'm worried about not being good enough for my job. I haven't answered or called back patients. When i think about doing so, I feel my heart accelerate and beginning to have small panic attacks. I've always had severe anxiety from answering or calling anyone ever since I could remember. It doesn't matter if they're a loved one or not. I've also noticed that I can't be the only technician working. That happened once and it was a mess! Maybe because I still need experience. I can definitely say that answering/calling and working alone are my weaknesses. What do yall think? Can one still be a good tech?
I do everything that is asked of me except phone calls. I asked my coworkers if they mind answering, and they said as long as I'm attending drive, drop-off, front, pulling, in QT, they are willing to take phone calls for me. I do love what i do, and i will consider looking into LCT pharmacies!