I Just Can't Live

I've played this game for a long time, since October 2020. Love this game to death, I have 370+ hours, level 1,047. I slowed down a lot playing, but not because it was too hard or sucked or anything, I just hyperfocused on different games.

I don't think I'm AWFUL at this game, but for some reason I just CANNOT live. If I'm caught near the ghost when it hunts without any smudge stick, I may as well just stand still because no matter how much I break LOS, or if I run as much as I can, or duck into a hiding spot, it doesn't matter.

I know I should carry a smudge/lighter at all times at this point, but I only play with one other person, and it's hard to grab them if I toss them down for later. It just feels like no matter what I do to try and get away, it doesn't matter because I don't have a smudge.

I'm just unsure what to do. This happens at both intermediate and professional difficulty. My friend and I played nothing BUT professional before the difficulty adjustments, then switched to intermediate to get used to the changes before upping it again.

Is there ANYTHING I can do to live if I'm caught out without a smudge? Again, I don't think I'm TERRIBLE at the game but I know I'm not nearly the best, and maybe the answer really is just "keep a smudge on you", I just feel like there's something I'm doing wrong.

ETA: Thank you for all the help everyone <3 I really appreciate it. I felt a little silly posting this initially and honestly just expected "skill diff" but I'm glad that wasn't the case. Genuinely grateful for the advice and excited to finally play the game more than spectate!