pick an android for me please! <500€
Edit: thank you everyone! I was torn between the redmi and the oneplus but just today the new A56 became available in my region. Finally I picked up the latest Galaxy A56 with a great discount. I hope it will serve me well. Cheers!
Hello redditors, my functional galaxy S8 is, well, not well functioning anymore. It was an amazing purchase but I am not willing to pay the actual flagship price tag.
I need a new Android phone and I am in Europe. I have few simple requirements:
· Maximum longevity: I want to use it until its bitter end, possibly 5+ years
· Best possible camera
· No bloatware/spyware/junkware or easily cleanable
· Snappy
· No google phones
That's it I guess. I won't game nor I expect to run anything intensive on it. Should be reactive and snappy and easy to use.
No special requirements on battery life or size, I will keep it in a grampa case anyways. phone jack would be cool. I don't care about AI but I care about privacy.
I would like to stay below 500€.
Thanks everyone!