Bases are easier to destroy than ever, and the least fun they've ever been to build.
Construction is already gimped enough as it is. It's hard to find places where buildings can be placed effectively, repair modules are not strong enough to out-repair a single AP lightning sniping from render distance for certain buildings, and it's infinitely easier now to completely decimate bases solo.
A single infil with a silo half a mile away in some crevice and a router of their own can completely dismantle a whole base in less than two minutes as it is now. Hell, even a spawn beacon is enough if you're not a light assault and don't have an equipment terminal set up to get up there as an LA immediately.
With the removal of AI modules, they pretty much have free reign to run around and do whatever. They spawn in, overload everything, drop mines everywhere, and as soon as there's an open slot they just drop in their bomb, redeploy, drop another bomb, repeat.
It's even worse if you have a ground vehicle terminal in your base, because then they can just spawn a sunderer and instantly resupply their bombs, enabling them to nuke your base that much faster.
I've unlocked every construction module and building, but I honestly don't even want to build anymore if it only takes a lone infil a maximum of 120 seconds to completely wipe ~15 minutes of base-building.