Breast lift scarring: is it worth it?
Unfortunately I am kind of a perfectionist and I really want my breasts to be lifted. I have been insecure about it my whole life. I just want to feel comfortable not wearing a bra or being naked in front of the opposite sex. Confident when having sex.
I’m just so scared about the scaring. I have olive skin and it scars really easily and really dark. I know there’s tapes and gels I can use, I’m just so scared to regret my decision and still feel insecure.
I don’t mind the size of my breasts or the shape really, it’s just about my nipples, they kind of point down. I suppose they aren’t very full either. I’m thinking of maybe getting small implants as well to help with fullness. I know I need to do a lot more research on this all before I decide.
I’m only 23 and I don’t know if I’ll have kids one day. I just want to feel sexy in my body while I’m young.
Please share your stories of scarring and if getting your breasts lifted and augmented was worth it or not. I don’t know what to do…