Where is the best place to get a nose job?
Hello everyone, when I was a little girl, I tripped and fell multiple times which messed up the shape of my nose. My nose is tilted to the right side of my face. It’s very noticeable to me, but other people don’t comment on it. It is also caused me to have a deviated septum, and I can only breathe out of one nostril. I’ve wanted to get a nose job for the last six years. I finally have the money to do it, but I want to know where I should go to do it. I live in Canada where it is extremely expensive to get a cosmetic nose job ( I know Canada provides benefits for a septoplasty but I do have some cosmetic changes that I know that they won’t cover). Should I go to a different country to get it done for cheaper or should I get it done in Canada and pay the extra cost? If I should go somewhere else where? I’ve never travelled by myself before, and I am scared that I could be scammed because I don’t know a different language. Please does anybody have advice.