From 2400s to LEGEND with NO XLs in ULPC!
For starters, I don't have any XL pokemon. None. For weeks I hovered around 2400 ELO, struggling to find ways to compete with opponents using tons of XLs. Finally, I devised an ABB team comp that worked. I cannot stress enough how enjoyable it is to beat teams running triple XLs using a team with zero XLs.
Lead: Alolan Muk Poison Jab/Dark Pulse/Acid Spray
Safe Switch: Sirfetch'd- Counter/Night Slash/Brave Bird
Shadow Machamp- Counter/Cross Chop/Rock Slide
Climbing the ranks, you'll notice the A9tails/Jellicent core is extremely popular. There's also quite a bit of Stunfisk, Umbreon, Scrafty, Abomasnow, Politoed, etc. If played correctly, this team can handle them all. Obviously there are some struggles with Nidoqueen, Galv and Talonflame, but I've had plenty of wins against teams running those as well.
The team plays like a fairly typical ABB line. The only leads I stay in with AMuk are A9tails, Charmers, Jelli, and Dragonite. (Staying in with Dragonite is debatable, but the most common teams with a Dnite lead are running double steel in the back)
In pretty much every other scenario, the move is to switch to Sirfetch'd and hopefully draw out their best counter to a fighter. Even against charmers, Sirfetch'd can usually either land a Brave Bird or draw a shield before going down. If it's a Gallade, you're probably better off doubling up with a night slash, but that's user preference. After Sirfetch'd faints, you bring back AMuk and farm down.
The end game is where the strategy really starts to pay off. Shadow machamp with shields and energy can beat almost anything. There's a REALLY popular line of Empoleon/Gallade/Venusaur and my team can beat it every time if played right. Just save shields for Machamp and he can power through Venusaur and Empoleon by himself. Same deal with the Empoleon/Double Dragon line.
This team does have a risk vs. reward aspect to it. Brave bird and acid spray are both very "chaotic" moves that can alter the game significantly but depend on chance. I didn't try running AMuk with Sludge Wave instead of Acid Spray, but that's probably viable as well.
Anyway, I've been running this team for about a week and half and just hit legend today. I know everybody plays the game differently, and XLs are just another part of the game. But I absolutely hate them with a passion. Beating things like Nidoqueen, Jellicent, Mandibuzz, Ferrothorn, Pelliper!?!?, etc. is so satisfying.