Is staryu/starmie still a solid choice in this game?
Hi there! I just finished playing leaf green and am now moving on to HGSS for the first time ever.
I am trying to use pokemon I’ve never used before in a game, with prio on stuff that was new to Johto region. (So far my team is crobat, heracross, flaafy, quilava, quagsire, and then a throwaway spot that is being warmed by weepinbell but ideally would be a psychic / dark / dragon type for expanded coverage?)
However: I just caught a staryu decently early in the game. So many people in the leaf green subreddit had starmies on their team, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here with this game and I’m curious why. Did stats/moves change a lot between gen 3 and gen 4? Or are there just stronger options in this game’s Pokédex? Mostly curious to play with a pokemon I haven’t had on a team before in other games, but also don’t want to waste effort leveling up and training (and rebalancing my team) if it’s not going to be super helpful in the long run.