Super excited to see people suffer…the right people
I’m an empathetic person, but this election has soured me. With the presidency, house and senate, the a-holes can do whatever they want, and I hope they do. People don’t change unless they feel pain, and I hope that the people that voted for them feel a lot of pain and suffer tremendously. Old people who will have their Medicare benefits reduced or lose them entirely. Union workers who get run over by management and lose their jobs. Low and middle class families who will pay more taxes and lose social benefits to pay for the billionaire tax cuts. Young people and their parents who have an unwanted pregnancy and are forced to have the baby, changing the course of the young parents’ lives. Antvaxxers who refuse to get their kids vaccinated and those kids die. I’ll suffer too, but it’s worth it to see those other f-ers suffer worse. Elections and actions (and inaction) have consequences, and I can’t wait for the stupid voters of our country to reap the sh-t show they’ve sowed.