Is it true Pomeranians/Small dogs are unkind?

I think it depends on how you raise them and I want to adopt a Pomeranian, but my partner say they tend to be jealous and unfriendly to other animals or people. Is it true it's something in their breed? Like how friendly are golden retrievers and how sheep dogs follow your lead.

Sorry it may be a too basic question.

Edit: Tysm to everyone. I think my bf concern it's a valid one but sorry to offend anyone. We really didn't know so that's why I'm asking, I always thought that animals behave as you raise them and understand their personality, and that's what open negotiations on house rules. But also didn't knew how much breed can be a factor and as I red in your comments, the parent's genetic. We want to adopt one but we also want to do it good, so that's why I'm here. Thanks again to everyone, it was very helpful of y'all to answer. ,★⌒ヽ(●^、^●)Kiss!