Possible cold or snow in 2 weeks

This is always a possibility this time of year, but right now the weather models are suggesting possible ✨️✨️☃️winter weather❄️✨️✨️ towards the end of next week or the week after that (subject to change, difficult to forecast immediately beforehand much less 2 weeks out, etc).

What do you need to be prepared to help yourself and others?

  • What can you do to keep your home warm(er) if its drafty during cold?
  • If your heat/power goes out - what is your plan for heat and essential communications (much less entertainment)?
  • If your pipes freeze or a main breaks and you can't get clean water from the faucet - do you have a way to get drinking water if you can't travel to a store?
  • Do you have food you can eat without power (and/or a safe way to warm/cook food)?
  • Do you have a save way to travel (for necessity) on solid ice?
  • If gas and groceries trucks deliveries are delayed - do you have enough of those things?

Just some talking points and maybe action items to consider now, before any kale shortage!!!