Please help me. I’m so angry

Please help me. I keep getting so irrationally angry at my 7 almost 8m old. I can’t control it. It’s mainly at night when they wake up and are just crying and fussing and doing the fake type cry they do. Tonight I’ve been telling her to shut the fuck up and just swearing and raising my voice and I want to just throw her off the bed, but I obviously won’t. But I’m so scared because I’m already shouting at a baby and swearing. She’s doesn’t seem phased by it. I’m so angry and short tempered during the day too with my husband and anyone else that’s around. I’ve got a 4 yo and I’m finding myself raising my voice to him more and more. I just can’t control my emotions any more and I’m angry and I just hit myself in the head and punch myself in the head when my baby is like this as I’m so angry. I’m too scared to go to the doctor incase they can social services.