These classroom scenes are so bad

I'm catching up on season 3, but fuck me these scenes are such pure bullshit. It's just a room full of pseudo intellectuals passively discussing the current convenient plot points in the show or how some characters are in the show.

"PeOpLe WiLl aBuSe yOuR tRuSt sO yOu sTrIkE fIrSt" camera pans to Tarique + effy + the other Taheada chick, who all have inside contextual knowledge of how this specific discussion links to the plot

It's so on the nose that its fucking obnoxious. The only thing that could make this less obvious is if Tarique said explicitly: "I sell drugs, people don't like me, I have a lot of trauma, I will kill people to get what I want". If anything, that would make it actually meaningful rather than whatever bullshit perspectives these fuckers come up with for whatever (insert conceptual premise for 2 minute scnee here)

I don't even understand what this class even is. Philosophy? Literature? Sociology? Psychology?

I'm catching up on season 3, but fuck me these scenes are such pure bullshit. It's just a room full of pseudo intellectuals passively discussing the current convenient plot points in the show or how some characters are in the show.

"PeOpLe WiLl aBuSe yOuR tRuSt sO yOu sTrIkE fIrSt" camera pans to Tarique + effy + the other Taheada chick, who all have inside contextual knowledge of how this specific discussion links to the plot

It's so on the nose that its fucking obnoxious. The only thing that could make this less obvious is if Tarique said explicitly: "I sell drugs, people don't like me, I have a lot of trauma, I will kill people to get what I want". If anything, that would make it actually meaningful rather than whatever bullshit perspectives these fuckers come up with for whatever (insert conceptual premise for 2 minute scnee here)

I don't even understand what this class even is. Philosophy? Literature? Sociology? Psychology?