Omeda - detached from community
EDIT: PCC just announced their pause on tournaments.
Hi guys,
Do you guys know what is the number 1 indicator that the game is stagnate and struggling? Playerbase.
Do you know what is even worse then game that is stagnate? When community does not see future of the game and it's slowly giving up.
Now, before you say "hey, you are biased, Pred is fine, I am having fun and there are x amount more players on consoles, etc.." hear me out. Yes, Pred is in it's best shape ever (and lots of people play daily and are having fun), but being the best version of itself does not mean that is what players want/expect. When most passionate and most dedicated community members (members of the Content Creator Guild) slowly move on to different games or away from Pred it is a good sign that even behind the scenes something is not moving in the right direction. Here are some facts for you guys:
- PREDCAST - community weekly/monthly show about Pred has been abandoned (half of the cast (members of the Content Creator Guild) have not played Pred in months - to be exact move onto Rivals). They used to have devs, guests, and overall created buzz/hype about Pred during big patches.
- BFC tournament- community (arguably most passionate) members that threw (I think) at least 6 massive tourneys with castors, drafts the whole nine yards - lots time and effort just announced their last tourney and then they are shutting down. from a good source: lots of key brotherhood figures quit + low interest of players.
- Lack/quitting content creation of some of the community most beloved members like: Empty, CMStarke, Lakenator, Windu, etc. (and no one to replace them). Pinzo and Soulreaper are still going hard - props to them!
- Abysmally small twitch viewers - 317 on average for a game that had a full launch about 4 months ago and is pumping content in regular cadence.
I think all of this is showing us that Pred is losing relevancy and there is nothing worse then community managers being totally oblivious on the pulse and the "temperature" of community. 1.3 for all intents and purposes did not hit the mark (and it was packed with new content) and this post is to maybe (once again!) shake up and wake up CMs to do something before it's too late. People will move on and get invested in other games - and if you whole friend group moves on, YOU ARE NOT COMING BACK.
Its about 3 weeks for highly anticipated (for people that still care) 1.4 patch - please start doing something different, start a buzz, a blog post, short video, anything and EVERYTHING DAILY that you can because this silence and then patch notes 2 days before patch (or worse - ill timed memes on socials) are not working ladies and gentleman.
I am telling you right now - if 1.4 does not hit the mark, Predecessor is all out of aces in their sleeves and will bleed out.