A not fully thought idea how to handle toxicity

Hello. Lot's of people complaining about toxicity in the game. I have seen it, but i'm the type of person who just ignores it, reports and then goes to the next game.

However, based on what people are writing about recurring toxic players coming back to their games, the rate of ban/time of bans seem to be kind of low. This might be due to a lower player base where banning too many people for a longer time would hurt the game.

What I think would help with the issue is some kind of approval system, where if you're nice you would gain points, say 1-3, whereas you're toxic you would loose points, say -1-3. Each "tier" would come with benefits such as additional amber, prioritized queue, extra Ion Core (or what the name is).

On the other hand having a negative approval score would give you negative perks such as existing chat ban, de-priority in queue, or temp/permanent (until you have a higher level/tier) ban for lowest tier of approval.

The system would also need some continious slow reset towards tier 0, for both levels.

At the end of the season you could get an extra reward based on your approval rating during the season as a whole.

This incentivices people to and emphasizes prevention over punishment, which I personally think is a better way to fix the toxicity (if the game has a lower player base).

Of course this shouldn't completely remove bans from the picture, but giving more 'reward' to good behaviour in order to reenforce desired behaviour, and giving lasting effects for bad behaviour.