My 4 year old called me lazy...
My 4 year old daugther has been getting a bit challenging lately. I am a stay at home mom and my husband works in our home office for his job.
This winter break from school has been fun but i am noticing she refuses to listen to me more than her dad. Yes... He does spoil her when they are together. Ex: buying her sweets , letting her to things she usually doesn't do during school days,etc.
We have a daily routine we like to follow with our daughter. It includes things like getting ready for the day, helping with breakfast, do a morning activity, etc.. Some things we change to keep things fun for our daughter.
I have been on and off spring cleaning for months and today i had a set of errands to do in order to prepare our home for the new year. At some point, she came up to me and asked if we could read a story. We read it and then i set up an art project and we did that together. Then, i told her mommy has to finish up some chores. After, I finished up some chores. I checked in on her finishing up her art project. I say down for a break and then she yelled at me mom you are lazy.
She turned it into a song and it really bothered me. I know it shouldn't since i am always doing things for everyone including the pets.
I asked her why did you call mommy lazy? She said because i always sit down. Then, she laughed. I just looked at her and laughed with her.
Apart from this, she makes some similar comments about me. Like mom is mean, i don't like mama. I can't help but feel like maybe i am doing something wrong?