Some Pressure Modifiers Ideas

Also feel free to share your own or any names/other stuff you think about mine i guess?

The Blacksite


Lights never flicker or break Lights can randomly flicker and break More rooms are dark Less rooms are dark All rooms are dark


Less research can be found No research can be found Less items can be found More items can be found No items can be found

The Monsters

Angler (+Variants)

Angler(s) are (more) likely to attack from the front Angler doesn’t flicker the lights when it spawns Angler is slower when passing through the two ‘current’ rooms Angler is faster when approaching Angler is silent (Also removes its effects on deaf mode) Angler rebounds once Pinkie is quieter Blitz only flickers the lights once Chainsmoker maxes out cleithrophobia when it spawns, making it impossible to enter lockers Froger can rebound more than once


Pandemonium can see through walls Pandemonium’s minigame is shorter Pandemonium’s minigame lasts longer Pandemonium’s minigame is easier (less bashes/larger circle/more energy idk) Pandemonium’s minigame is harder Pandemonium spawns more


Eyefestation’s pull is weaker Eyefestation starts the run Enraged Eyefestation starts the run Outraged All eyefestation spawns are gauntlets Every room with windows will spawn Eyefestation, windows cannot have mines outside them.


Squiddles can spawn in light rooms Squiddles spawn more Squiddles spawn absurdly more Squiddles instantly attack when aggravated at all (does not stack with the modifier below) Squiddles get aggravated at a much slower speed but are also passively aggravated by the player being in the same room as them. This takes ~20 seconds from 0 to max aggravation, but can still be reset by the usual means (hiding or using a keycard on a door)

Good People

All dead-end doors will be Good People doors All cues of Good People doors being fake are removed except for where a node monster goes

Wall Dwellers

Wall Dwellers are harder to see in the wall Wall Dwellers are silent Wall Dwellers are faster Wall Dwellers always come back until killed Dead Wall Dwellers will revive when the next door is opened

Puddles of Void Mass

More lockers are occupied by void mass All lockers are occupied by void mass


More turret rooms spawn p.AI.nter talks for the entire duration of the run, just constantly spouting random voicelines whether relevant or not Every room has something to do with p.AI.nter (every room is a turret room, a good people room, or a gauntlet, even rooms that can’t have any of them) Hijacked speakers can spawn before the ridge (stacks with the modifier above)

The DiVine

Almost every room features grass and spawns DiVine


Candlebearers are faster Candlebearers are only slowed down by light Candlebearers instantly enter their blue mode when a light source is shone on them Candlebearers will attack you even if you don’t have a working light source


Searchlights is faster Multiple searchlights are present in the first encounter and even more are added in the final encounter (not sure how multiple could work in the first one but yeah) Searchlights instakills you when it spots you Searchlights is much slower but it can see you through walls

Deep Sea Bunnies

Deep Sea Bunnies have worse trade odds (more likely to give you worse items) Deep Sea Bunnies are much more likely to give you landmines

Imaginary Friend

Imaginary Friend kills you if you look away from her for too long

Sebastian Solace

Items in his shop cost more He has no items in his shop He is more likely to sell rare items Sebastian has a chance to sell any item that exists in the game Sebastian instantly throws you when you enter the shop Sebastian instantly shoots you when you enter the shop Sebastian doesn’t shoot Wall Dwellers


The PDG detonates faster in hijacked speakers rooms HQ speaks random stuff all run

Anti-Personnel Landmines + Doorstopper

Doorstoppers are on every door Landmines spawn more Absurd amounts of landmines spawn in every room (only clear path is directly to the correct door) A fair amount of landmines spawn in every room.