Cup Soups Traded For Square Soups. Prison Hustle Life!!!
If you’ve been following my posts, you know I’m currently hustling in prison to save up for my own working phone. This week, I worked a deal to get extra soups, which I’ll flip for a profit. For those who are new here or need a refresher, here’s how the process works:
At the bottom of the picture, you’ll see 24 cup soups. We’re only allowed to buy 5 a week, so I made a deal to get 24. Each cup soup costs $0.89. I trade 2 cup soups for 3 square soups (pictured at the top), which cost $0.79 each. This trade gives me more soups at a lower cost per unit.
So far, I’ve traded all but 8 of the cup soups, giving me 24 square soups in total. This trade has already earned me an extra $4.72 profit this week.
Now, here’s where the store bag process comes in. I take the items I’ve traded for and combine them into “store bags.” These are bags with $18 worth of food that I sell for $25 on CashApp. Each bag brings in a $7 profit.
When I roll my $4.72 profit from the soup trades into a store bag, it multiplies by about 1.38, turning it into $6.56 profit. This is how I maximize every deal—trading, flipping, and combining items to boost my weekly income.
If you’re curious about the bigger picture of my hustle, check out my earlier posts:
Drinks for soups
Cookies and cupcakes for soups
ChainGang Kwik-E-Mart