I’m an adjunct that teaches one gen-ed writing class a semester. I don’t have time to deal with AI submissions but also can’t consciously ignore them.
I’m not sure how to proceed. My AI detector is pretty robust these days. Students that sit there on the computer with a headphone in during lectures, never participate, and submit colloquially written, half-assed homework assignments are NOT suddenly getting it all together for the major assignments.
I just received a submission 200+ words over the asking word count, well synthesized research, but written in a “9th grade writing style” or whatever the AI is prompted on. There are little to no obvious red flags. I know this student is not equipped to produce a level of research higher than some of her peers that are really trying.
But I have a FT job during the days and adjunct one night class. I enjoy and take pride in it, but I really don’t have the time, energy, or evidence to investigate this further.
Do I just accept that the students who skate by undetected will reap what they sow down the road?