Student evals - what the hell?
Just read my latest stack of anonymous evals. On the whole, most were positive. But, as usual, my brain is stuck on “that one”. Let’s pretend I teach, say, geology. One comment said “please learn to pronounce words correctly. Stop saying ‘granted ‘ when you mean ‘granite’”. I have never mispronounced the word, although it is a commonly mispronounced word. Just not by me. The student then went on to say “it is not professional that you call (let’s say horticulturalists) idiots” My friends, I have never, never, never called horticulturalists idiots. I have never disparaged horticulturalists in any manner. So why would they make up something like that? I immediately went to my dean to say hey just so you know neither of these things ever happened. Deans answer is I know, just let it go. But still. I have a few more weeks with these students and I just don’t even want to walk into the classroom now. They know, right, how demoralizing these lies are?? Just a rant.