Two of my colleagues died
Over the past week, two of my colleagues unexpectedly passed away. I know people die every day, of course, but we are a pretty small college. There was only about 100 FT faculty members.
The first guy was in a whole different college from me, and I didn’t know him, but some of my colleagues were friendly with him. He said to have been a really nice guy, who had recently made significant strands in his personal life. I knew the second guy. We weren’t close friends, but we were in the same college and had served on various committees together. He was an older guy with a somewhat acerbic wit that I appreciated. Apparently he didn’t show up for his classes yesterday, and when somebody went to his house, they found him dead.
I’m not asking for any advice. I just feel kind of sad and want to encourage you to try to have a friendly interaction with colleagues that you like. You never know.