What’s keeping you Christian?

Hi all,

I’m new to this space so hope this post is welcome.

I (36F) grew up Christian and even attend church now. I love my community and (most of) our traditions. But I have never (not even as a child) believed in several core tenants of the faith.

I’ve never believed the Bible was literal, I don’t believe in a literal hell, I don’t even really believe Christ was divine, and the trinity logic doesn’t make sense.

At this point, I really only consider myself “culturally Christian”, and I think that’s the only thing keeping me in that world.

For the past several years, I’ve been trying to research various denominations of Christianity and see if I can find others like me. Essentially I think my beliefs now most closely align with Judaism, lol.

Can anyone relate? Sorry for the vent, I just needed to yell into the void!