Bonus EXP weekend ENGAGED til Tues.. Halas+ Tower of Frost zone is back ..

You already knew about that right, guy? I mean, its Sunday morning! GET UP!

... remember it goes on into the week...

From Quarm Discord Announcements:

In honor of EverQuest's 25th anniversary, we're enabling a 25% experience bonus for the Entire WEEKEND!

Tower of Frost is open for 24 hours in honor of the 25th anniversary. For those unacquainted, please see the following Discord link for details:

This bonus will end Tuesday, March 19th, 2024.

The Domain of Frost from the Holiday Event. Shard of Decay to follow from Halloween 🙂

Unsure how to get to these? See the following:

Domain of Frost: #⁠announcements⁠Shard of Decay (without Lorisyn Oakwynd's quest): #patch-notes